DIY vs. the Experts:
Should You Install Your Own Solar Panels?
Solar panels are an increasingly popular option among homeowners who wish to minimize their environmental footprint or reduce their monthly utility costs.
The basic concept of a solar panel is simple: These panels capture energy from the sun which can then be used to deliver electrical power to the entire household or stored in a battery for use at a later date. Once you get into the weeds of solar panel technology, however, you’ll find that it’s more complicated than meets the eye.
As such, homeowners are often unsure how to go about the installation process. Taking a DIY approach to installing solar panels in your home may seem like a smart way to conserve costs. Then again, hiring a professional may be safer and simpler, and result in a more fully optimized solar system.
Pros and Cons of Solar Panels
Before making any of these tough decisions about how to handle solar installation, homeowners should have a clear sense of the pros and cons of solar paneling.
The Pros of Solar Panels
To begin with, consider some of the primary advantages of residential solar panels:
● Solar panels represent one of the best ways to switch to a clean energy source, reducing or even eliminating dependence on traditional utility companies.
● Often, solar panels are accompanied by substantial tax incentives and rebates, which can offset the initial installation cost.
● Solar panels can increase the value of your home, and provide extra enticement to buyers when you decide to resell.
● A well-designed solar system can yield huge long-term savings on your monthly electric bills.
The Cons of Solar Panels
Homeowners should also be aware of a few basic drawbacks:
● While tax incentives and rebates help, there’s no getting around the fact that upfront installation costs are sizable.
● Solar panels won’t work if you don’t get enough sun exposure or if you don’t have the right kind of roof.
● Long-term savings are lower if you live in an area where the utility costs are already minor.
If you weigh these pros and cons and decide you’re still in the market for solar panels, you’ll then need to make a decision about whether to attempt a solo installation or call in a solar contractor.
Why and When to Install Your Own
There are a number of reasons why you might consider installing your own panels:
● By eliminating labor and design costs, you can significantly reduce the overall price tag of your residential solar system.
● If you are an amateur solar enthusiast, going the DIY route will let you design your own system, to your ideal specifications.
● The DIY route can also be a good option for those who are looking to ease into solar; for instance, if you want to start with a small-scale solar installation before building something bigger, the DIY approach can be a good way to get your feet wet.
Why and When to Hire an Expert
While there are some definite pluses to building your own solar system, there are also plenty of valid reasons to enlist a professional. Some key considerations include:
● The first thing to consider is product availability. Want to get the very best, most efficient solar panels? They may not be readily available to the general public. Licensed solar contractors can access the best products on your behalf.
● There are also safety issues to consider. Simply put, installing a solar system can be hazardous to your health, as any error with the electrical wiring can result in electric shocks or in an increased risk of fire. A skilled contractor can minimize these concerns.
● Contractors also know how to design systems for maximum efficiency, which means you may get a more optimal performance than if you chose the DIY route.
● It’s also worth noting that contractors tend to have a lot of expertise regarding tax rebates and other savings incentives, which means they can potentially help you navigate different opportunities to save money… including some savings you wouldn’t be able to identify on your own.
One more thing about choosing to hire an expert over going solo: In some municipalities, it’s actually illegal to install your own solar panels. You may want to check local laws and ordinances to see if DIY is even an option. If not, there are sure to be capable contractors who can help.
The Right Way to Install a Solar Panel
In some cases, homeowners may benefit from installing their own solar panels. For the majority of homeowners, going with a licensed contractor is the wiser move, both in terms of promoting safety and ensuring the best possible outcome.
If you’ve been curious about harnessing the power of solar energy, a good first step is to reach out to local contractors who can walk you through the options, and provide a basic quote for solar system design and installation.